O’Brien Lab Publications
H. pylori and Gastric Cancer
O’Brien VP, Shenoy M, Kang Y, Rodriguez AE, Dubrulle J, Young WC, Finak G, Koch MA, Gottardo RG, Salama NR. Single-cell profiling uncovers a proliferative gastric metaplastic cell type sustained by Helicobacter pylori-specific inflammation. Cancer Research Communications 5;3(9):1756-1769.
O’Brien VP*, Jackson LK*, Frick JP, Rodriguez Martinez AE, Jones DS, Johnston CD, Salama NR. Helicobacter pylori chronic infection selects for effective colonizers of metaplastic glands. mBio e0311622.
O’Brien VP, Koehne A, Dubrulle J, Rodriguez AR, Leverich CK, Kong P, Campbell JS, Pierce RH, Goldenring JR, Choi E, Salama NR. Sustained Helicobacter pylori infection accelerates gastric dysplasia in a mouse model. Life Science Alliance 4(2):e202000967.
Martínez LE, O’Brien VP, Leverich CK, Knoblaugh SE, Salama NR. Nonhelical Helicobacter pylori Mutants Show Altered Gland Colonization and Elicit Less Gastric Pathology than Helical Bacteria during Chronic Infection. Infection and Immunity 87(7):e00904-18.
Dr. O’Brien’s complete bibliography at NCBI
Gastric expression of pre-cancerous genes